“The power to create is one of the most divine
attributes man possesses. In his exercise of
that power, he enacts microcosmically the great
macrocosmic drama of creation. The fusion of
the male and female organisms is a sacramental enactment
of the great drama of the creation of the universe.
When it is performed with the motive of pure and mutual love,
the two halves of God, as represented in man and woman,
are united.” —Geoffrey Hodson, 1929, The Miracle of Birth
attributes man possesses. In his exercise of
that power, he enacts microcosmically the great
macrocosmic drama of creation. The fusion of
the male and female organisms is a sacramental enactment
of the great drama of the creation of the universe.
When it is performed with the motive of pure and mutual love,
the two halves of God, as represented in man and woman,
are united.” —Geoffrey Hodson, 1929, The Miracle of Birth